Children in the cellar
during a recent bombing.
Families staying warm together
in the cellar of Andriy’s home.
Dr. Andriy’s family at graduation
from chiropractic school (2009)
The CCA has had a long-term commitment to Ukraine. Under the direction of Rev. Jim
Weber, we began organizing short-term mission trips to Ukraine shortly after they
became an independent country (1991). There were many trips in those early days to
places like Kiev, Mariupol, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, and others – names that are
unfortunately all too familiar to us now.
On a trip to Ukraine in 1993, Dr. Jim Spertzel went to the city of Cherkassy. While there,
he met the Yevtushenko family, a pastor and his nine children. Their second son, Andriy,
was his first interpreter, and they began a momentous journey together. As a pastor’s
son, he could not attend any schooling past 10th grade during the Soviet years. He was a
brilliant young man who wanted to be a doctor. Long story short, Andriy went on to complete his medical training in Ukraine and
to graduate from the Anglo-European College of Chiropractic in England at the top of his class and as the first Ukrainian-born
chiropractor. He has been practicing for over 12 years, and his sister Valentina followed in his footsteps.
The invasion of the Russians into Crimea 8 years ago prompted most of Andriy’s family to move to a small village an hour west of
the city. There they made provision for what they expected to happen on February 24, 2022. At this writing, they are providing for
20+ refugee families from the city; they believe this is where the Lord wants them to remain. Dr. Jim Spertzel last visited them in
August 2021 and had to cancel a planned trip for January 2022 in light of the impending invasion. Dr. Jim has made over 40 trips
to Ukraine and has plans to move there in his retirement. We must continue to lift Dr. Andriy and his family in prayer, encourage
them, and support them during this trial. The CCA will forward any gifts directly to Dr. Andriy for the refugees he is helping.
Dr. Andriy
in Ukraine