The Cure for the Terminal Condition of Sin
Christian Chiropractors Association, Inc. 2550 Stover, B-102 Fort Collins, CO 80525 1.800.999.1970 970.482.1404
The Evangelical Christian Voice in Chiropractic Since 1953
In 1953 - a Missionary chiropractor to Ethiopia challenged Christian students at Palmer Chiropractic College to support an Ethiopian student in chiropractic education.
Brief History of the Beginnings of the CCA
1960 - Dr. Mulatu Baffa graduated from Palmer College of Chiropractic and returned to his home country of Ethiopia.  The students remained faithful to their vision by raising funds to equip and establish a chiropractic clinic at the Ethiopian leprosarium.  The student group continued to meet and grow - keeping in contact after graduation. 
In 1963 the C.C.A. was granted 501(c)3 charitable status by the Internal Revenue Service under the name:  World-Wide Christian Chiropractors Association. 
CCA’s 60-Year History  Featured in DC  Magazine! TAKE A LOOK! Click Here Video of Jamaica STM History Video of Jamaica STM History
1953 - Palmer Campus